
Registered nutritionist shares 5 habits to achieve long life

Dolly Dy-Zulueta
31/08/2024 06:40:00

MANILA, Philippines — In this day and age when strange, new and fierce diseases suddenly turn up, the pursuit of longevity has become more real and intense than ever.

Longevity is not just about adding years to your life, but also ensuring that those years are lived with a quality life and engaged in vibrant and fulfilling activities.

How does one achieve longevity or a long and meaningful life? Here are five steps that one can take to achieve longevity, according to Michelle Ricker, RDN, Herbalife Director for Worldwide Health Education and Training and Chairperson of the Herbalife Dietetic Advisory Board.

These are practical and healthy lifestyle habits that will inspire one to continue making healthy choices that promote growth, longevity, and overall well-being.

1. Walk after every meal

Don’t underestimate the benefits of straight-up walking for overall health. Not only does this improve cardiovascular fitness, but it also strengthens bones and muscles.

According to Ricker, who is a registered dietitian nutritionist, studies have shown that light exercise, such as a 5- to 10-minute walk, following a meal can aid in digestion and help lower blood sugar. Post-meal walks are, therefore, a secret weapon for boosting metabolism and overall weight management.

Regular brisk walking combined with healthy eating is extremely effective for weight loss, when overall energy output exceeds caloric intake. 

Walking also aids in the reduction of visceral fat, also known as belly or abdominal fat, which is particularly hazardous to one’s health. In fact, recent research published by the Journal of American College of Cardiology found that walking 800 to 10,000 steps per day cuts risk of dying (all-cause mortality) by more than 50%.

2. Embrace the power of resistance training

An increasing number of studies, such as one published in the National Library of Medicine, are highlighting the importance of resistance training for overall physical health and proving that keeping and building lean muscle is key to longevity and a functioning metabolism.

“As we age, our bodies begin to lose muscle mass. This effect does not only decrease our strength, but it also begins to decrease our bone density, as our muscles are the support structure for our bones. By adding resistance training and subsequent lean muscle mass, we not only support our bones, but we also burn more calories at rest since muscle burns more than fat. This is another key to a strong metabolism,” Ricker said. 

Implement resistance training into the daily routine in a straightforward manner by performing push-ups, beginning with wall push-ups and progressing to the floor as the strength increases.

Resistance training and promoting muscle protein synthesis are excellent predictors of longevity. Researchers have found that it can combat common age-related physiological changes, like strength and declining muscle mass, increase bone density, as well as reduce body fat and promote cognitive function.

3. Eat protein

One of the biggest reasons to eat protein is that muscle mass decreases approximately 3 to 8% per decade after age 30, and this rate of decline goes even higher after age 60.

It’s true that there is a need for adequate protein in order to build lean muscle. But eating more protein alone won’t cause one to develop more muscle; resistance exercise is needed to target those muscles.

The process of muscle repair and growth (also known as muscle protein synthesis) occurs as the body recovers from a bout of exercise, and taking in about 20 to 30 grams of high quality protein after a strength-training workout and at each meal is one of the best ways to promote muscle growth.

Having a good lean body or muscle mass, more specifically, helps protect against bones becoming weaker or thinner. The body uses amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, for muscle repair and recovery.  A high quality protein is preferential for the body for this process. Some great protein sources are meat, chicken, fish, eggs, soy, whey and caseine.

4. Take care of the gut

Despite its vital importance, gut health remains one of the least discussed aspects of body maintenance. The term “gut health” pertains to the presence of a well-functioning microbiome in the small and large intestines, as well as the absence of excessive digestive symptoms.

As an individual progresses through life, there are a lot of things that can break down the microbiome. Some major factors include stress, taking antibiotics and eating sugar, fried foods, and processed foods.

It is important to rebuild a healthy gut, as it helps in boosting the metabolism, keeps a healthy digestion, and aids in immune health, since 70 to 80% of the immune cells are present in the gut.

“Taking a probiotic daily, eating a variety of high fiber fruits and vegetables, fermented food, or yogurt are some of the ways that we can rebuild and repair our gut health. For immune health benefit, check the probiotic product strain and substantiation for this effect,” Ricker explained.  

5. Seek support

Another key aspect of longevity is seeking support. Joining a community or seeking support on one's journey towards longevity will inspire one to unleash creativity and meet personal goals.

For one, personal connection fosters motivation, making it more likely for one to adhere to healthy lifestyle habits and deliver results. A supportive environment also provides the opportunity to share experiences, access diverse perspectives and can help discover what works best for an individual. 

Longevity isn’t just about individual efforts. It thrives on connection and communal encouragement and creates a foundation for a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Ricker concluded by reminding readers that “one can derive significant advantages from embracing a holistic approach to well-being that prioritizes physical activity, good nutrition, and meaningful connections with others. I encourage you to start a journey towards enduring well-being by incorporating these steps into your daily routine.”
