
Offsetting flights: How can I tell if a carbon credit is legit?

Kathleen Schuster
04/02/2025 14:14:00
When booking a flight, there's often the option to offset carbon emissions. Does it make sense? Christian Ohde/chromorange/picture alliance

In recent years, carbon credits have become a possible solution for the climate-conscious looking to offset their greenhouse gas emissions from air travel, for instance.

They became so popular that the voluntary carbon market, where such carbon credits are bought and sold, nearly quadrupled in value between 2020 and 2021, bringing it to €2 billion ($2.1 billion).

Up to half of those carbon credit programs were devoted to reforestation initiatives. Aviation accounts for close to 3% of global CO2 emissions alone — the majority being passenger flights — and some forests can store up to 1,000 tons of CO2 per hectare. So, investing in planting new trees can be a tempting solution to a troublesome problem.

Take, for example, a return flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Atlanta, US, for two people. According to one estimate by Trees for All, a Netherlands-based charity devoted to planting trees "at home and abroad," this would emit around 4.5 tons of CO2 — or roughly the same amount as a typical passenger vehicle in one year.

Planting new trees have become a popular way to offset CO2 emissions — but are these schemes working? DW

Planting enough trees to compensate for those emissions would cost around €100, or €22 per ton of CO2 according to that same estimation.

But how easy is it to tell if a carbon offset project is legitimate? DW spoke with two experts.

Information and cost matter

The cost of credits bought and sold on the voluntary carbon market, like in the flight example, can vary significantly, and a low price isn't necessarily a good deal for the environment.

"On average it usually costs about $20 to $30 a ton to really have an impact if you're going to be either planting trees or take a forest out of timber production and prevent it from turning into agriculture," said Elias Ayrey, co-founder of Renoster, a company that helps assess carbon offsets.

But the price tag isn't the only thing to look out for.

Danny Cullenward, a climate economist and lawyer, emphasizes the importance of looking beyond certification and monitoring claims, though he says some information he looks for as an expert is "usually not presented to consumers."

An important question to ask: Was that forest going to be cut down? Is this project really leading to CO2 reductions? Michael Runkel/robertharding/picture alliance

Nevertheless, he advises asking "what's the project? What's the methodology that goes straight to the technical information?"

The most important questions are, first, was this forest definitely going to be cut down in the first place? In other words, is the project truly leading to new carbon reductions?

The next question Cullenward and other experts would ask is, what's the "baseline?" So, if the forest gets cut down, how much CO2 would it have released into the atmosphere? And by not cutting it down, how much CO2 would it be storing?

How does the voluntary carbon market work?

There are several carbon markets that exist alongside each other. For example, compliance markets, which enforce legal standards, such as the EU's Emissions Trading System. There's also Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which allows nations to trade carbon credits in pursuit of lowering emissions.

However, the voluntary carbon market, where corporations and individuals can buy credits, is largely self-regulated, said Ayrey, and is made up of several entities.

First, there are the registries, which are private entities not regulated by any supervising body. They generally write their own rules and issue the credits.

Next are the project developers who create the projects and sell the credits. Another separate entity, the auditors, check to see if the projects comply with the rules written by the registries.

The credits are then bought and sold by brokers. Some take a magnifying glass to the projects, but not all of them do, said Ayrey, who worked for a carbon broker for several years after earning his doctorate in forest sciences. Crucially, there's not really much oversight, if any. That's a problem, added Ayrey, given that the top project developers are based in the US and the EU — while most of the forest-based credits are in the Global South.

Factors to consider with forestry projects

Efforts to replant deforested areas and protect existing forests are seen as one of the keys to fighting climate change. Ayrey considers reforestation to be a good solution, but sometimes the reality on the ground looks different.

When he was first working for a carbon broker, he evaluated a wide range of projects. The findings were "disturbing," for example, a conservation project on the edge of the Amazon rainforest.

Ayrey says to carefully examine the situation on the ground: Is the projects really going to stop deforestation? Eraldo Peres/AP Photo/picture alliance

Not only had the project failed to stop deforestation when faced with outside aggressors and impotent police, but "its credits were still and still are circulating around," Ayrey said. "Very few carbon projects have ever been cancelled following a scandal, in fact single digits."

Another example was a $200-million project affiliated with the UN's reforestation and emissions-reducing REDD+ program claiming to protect forests in the Mai Ndombe region of the Democratic Republic of Congo from being cut down. However, those forests are swamp forests, said Ayrey, and would have no value as timber, or as land for growing crops, which means the project wasn't really leading to new carbon reductions.

To make matters worse, many residents had no idea they were living on project land — or that they were entitled to part of the roughly $200 million Ayrey estimates to have been brought into the area through the scheme. A 2020 report by the NGO Rainforest Foundation UK found that, over a 10-year period, the money that went back into communities from the project was equivalent to each resident receiving between $0.10 and $0.76. Unfair distribution of the funds has also led to violence, said Ayrey.

Are all forest-related carbon credits suspicious?

The voluntary carbon market saw a steep decline, dropping from its 2021 high to $723 million in 2023. Some in the industry put that down to concerns over the legitimacy of carbon offsetting programs.

But are all such programs problematic? Experts disagree on this point. When it comes to offsetting flight emissions, Cullenward sees one's money best spent elsewhere because the rules are based on a hypothetical that's hard to prove.

"Were you going to cut down the forest? Well, maybe I can pay you to not do that. And ultimately you can't verify what that person says they were going to do," he said.

Ayrey, however, hasn't given up hope. "I have seen carbon projects that are paying over 200,000 small families in impoverished Africa to plant trees on their farms, and, for example, the nation of Uganda, thanks to one of these projects, is visibly greener from space."

Ayrey believes that the industry could be fixed if it were regulated.

"If common sense rules were put in place, it could work. And I know this because I have seen it work a lot of times. It just doesn't work the majority of times," he said.

Edited by: Tamsin Walker and Jennifer Collins

This article was adapted from an episode of DW's Living Planet podcast. Find the full audio version here.

60,000 different species - There are around 3 trillion trees on Earth, according to a global study led by researchers from Yale University. That includes over 60,000 known tree species, more than half of which are endemic — meaning they're found in only one country. Brazil, Colombia and Indonesia are home to the most tree species. The bad news: there are 46% fewer trees today than at the start of human civilization. picture-alliance/Wildlife
Trees 'migrate' to escape climate change - Trees clearly can't uproot themselves and move, but their population centers can shift over time in response to climate pressures. A study looking at 86 trees species between 1980 and 2015 in the eastern United States found that 73% moved west, where rainfall is increasing. Others headed to the poles, apparently to escape heat. On average, they moved about 16 kilometers (10 miles) per decade. picture-alliance/blickwinkel/R. Linke
Keeping cities cool - Trees not only give us shade, they can also mitigate extreme temperatures by transpiring — absorbing the sun's radiation and releasing water into the air through their leaves. Urban areas can become sweltering "heat islands" in summer. But a 2019 study from the US found that tree canopy cover of 40% or more could lower summer temperatures in cities by as much as 5 degrees Celsius. picture-alliance/Loop Images
Sucking up pollutants - Trees draw CO2 from the atmosphere and are therefore crucial in the fight against climate change. They can also use their leaves to filter particulate matter and toxic gases like nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide from the air. A recent UK study found that silver birch, yew and elder trees could reduce particles at rates of 79%, 71% and 70% respectively. picture-alliance
Healing power - Trees can reduce our stress levels and help us feel happier and healthier. Several studies have shown that spending time in nature, or even just looking at trees or flowers through a window, can lower blood pressure, boost the immune system, improve sleep, reduce depression and anxiety, and even speed up recovery after surgery. picture-alliance/dpa/C. Klose
Trees 'talk' to each other - Forests have their own communication systems — almost like an underground internet —that allows trees to swap nutrients and send warnings about drought or disease. They interact via networks of soil fungi, known as mycorrhizal networks. Research by ecologist Suzanne Simard has shown that paper birch (pictured) and fir trees use this system to send water, carbon and nutrients back and forth. picture-alliance/All Canada Photos
Sending signals in the air - Trees can't flee if their leaves are being devoured by a hungry herbivore. But what they can do is release chemicals — volatile organic compounds — into the air to warn nearby members of the same species there's a threat in the area. Studies show that other trees respond by boosting their own production of anti-herbivore toxins, which, in the case of acacias (pictured), makes their leaves bitter. picture-alliance/Anka Agency International
Call for backup - When besieged by bugs or parasites, some species, including apple trees, and tomato, cucumber and lima bean plants, release compounds into the air to alert the attackers' predator. Most often, these predators are insects. But a European study showed that trees infested with caterpillars also put out chemical signals to attract caterpillar-eating birds, such as the great tit (pictured). picture alliance / blickwinkel/A. Kosten/J. Kosten
Methuselah has lived through a lot - Trees are the oldest living organisms on Earth. One individual can survive hundreds, even thousands of years. According to the OldList, an officially dated record of ancient trees, the oldest known living individual is a bristlecone pine in California's White Mountains. Named Methuselah, it's around 4,850 years old. Its exact location is kept a secret to protect it from vandals. picture-alliance/blickwinkel/S. Sailer/A. Sailer
Hyperion, the giant - A photograph can't really do justice to the world's tallest trees: redwoods. The tallest known living specimen is a coast redwood called Hyperion measuring 115.85 meters (380 feet) — more than Big Ben or the Statue of Liberty. The giant, discovered in 2006 in California, is believed to be several hundred years old. picture alliance/ZUMA Press/B. Cahn
Other record breakers - California is also home to a giant sequoia named General Sherman, thought to be the biggest living tree in terms of volume. It stretches to a height of 83.8 meters and is 7.7 meters in diameter. The title of the world's widest tree goes to the Arbol del Tule (pictured), a Montezuma cypress in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It has a diameter of 11.6 meters and circumference of 42 meters. picture-alliance/ImageBroker/
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