
Dining with pets: Where do we draw the line?

Jewil Anne M. Tabiolo
13/09/2024 11:41:00

As more restaurants open their doors to pets, a debate has emerged: Should pets be allowed to dine alongside their owners, or should restaurants prioritize human comfort and hygiene over pet-friendly policies?

This issue came to light when a netizen, Lara Antonio, shared her experience at Balay Dako in Tagaytay, a restaurant that advertises itself as pet-friendly.

Antonio posted, “We got turned away from Balay Dako today for what I can only guess is because Yoda is an Aspin,” sparking discussions between pet advocates and those who question the practicality of dining with animals.

Antonio’s experience, where her dog Yoda was rejected due to size and breed, resonated with pet owners across the country. Despite having dined at the restaurant with Yoda before, she was met with unclear guidelines on this occasion.

“The manager couldn’t even show me where their policy states a size limit,” Antonio wrote, expressing frustration shared by pet owners who expect consistency in “pet-friendly” establishments.


The Philippine Animal Welfare Society echoed Antonio’s sentiments, stating, “No pet deserves to be turned away for being an Aspin.” Many netizens also voiced their frustrations. One user commented, “Now I know which restaurant not to go to.” Another added, “If you need to consider factors like spacing and safety, shouldn’t that be done before claiming to be a pet-friendly restaurant?”

Others pointed out the restaurant’s inconsistent policies. “Just say ‘No Pets Allowed’ like McDonald’s, and people would understand, instead of claiming to be ‘Pet-Friendly’ with all these restrictions,” remarked another user.


However, not all diners agree with the idea of pets in restaurants. Some diners and restaurant owners express concerns about hygiene, safety, and the overall dining experience. In a statement, Balay Dako emphasized that while they aim to provide inclusive spaces, they must balance the needs of non-pet owners.

“We must consider spacing and the safety of all our guests,” they explained, suggesting that some customers may feel uncomfortable or unsafe around certain pets. These concerns are echoed by non-pet owners, who believe dining spaces should focus on human comfort and hygiene.

A survey by SmartBrief highlighted that while many consumers support pet-friendly policies, nearly half (47 percent) believe pets should at least be leashed while dining.

“Even the most well-behaved dogs can shed hair and leave paw prints, which can make other diners uncomfortable,” said one netizen in response to the controversy.

“This is a very unpopular opinion, but it would be best not to allow pets inside restaurants especially if they don’t have alfresco spaces. It’s more of a health and sanitation issue coupled with the safety of our diners,” chimed another netizen.


The divide between pro-pet diners and those against pet-friendly dining presents a challenge for restaurants striving to accommodate both sides. Establishments marketing themselves as pet-friendly must ensure that their policies are clear, consistent and fair — not only for pet owners but for those with reservations about dining near animals.

“You can’t claim to be animal-friendly if your criteria are breed-specific,” said one commenter. Antonio, in a separate post, added, “To those asking, no, Balay Dako has not reached out to me to offer any apologies. We’re not after that, though — just wanted to warn anyone planning to bring their dogs that the restaurant may not be as pet-friendly as advertised.”

According to SmartBrief’s survey, clear guidelines and designated pet areas can help create harmony in pet-friendly spaces. Some restaurants even offer separate areas for pets to play, ensuring they don’t interfere with the dining experience.

As more restaurants aim to attract pet owners, the conversation about pet-friendly dining will continue. For establishments like Balay Dako, the challenge lies in meeting the needs of both pet owners and diners who prefer animal-free environments. The question remains: Can restaurants strike a balance that satisfies everyone at the table — both human and pet? S
